Episode 362: Whither, Life Balance? (An AWP Panel)

Episode 362 of The Drunken Odyssey, your favorite podcast about creative writing and literature is available on iTunes, or right click here to download.

In this week’s episode, Chelsey Clammer, David James Poissant, Rion Amalcar Scott, and I discuss how to survive in the writing life before an AWP audience in Portland, Oregon.

AWP Panel

Chelsey Clammer

David James Poissant




If you are anywhere near Miami, check out the O, Miami Poetry Festival.

Please review this show on iTunes.

My novel comes out next week.

Guy Psycho and the Ziggurat of Shame

Episode 362 of The Drunken Odyssey, your favorite podcast about creative writing and literature is available on iTunes, or right click here to download.

What are your tips for gaining efficiency with your time?

One response to “Episode 362: Whither, Life Balance? (An AWP Panel)”

  1. […] Check out the AWP panel on life balance back on episode 362. […]

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The Drunken Odyssey is a forum to discuss all aspects of the writing process, in a variety of genres, in order to foster a greater community among writers.
