#597: Schloctoberfest 2023 #2 (Videodrome)

On this week’s show, Jeff Shuster and I get turned around discussing David Cronenberg’s Videodrome (1983).

Photo by Leslie Salas

Movie Discussed


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2 responses to “#597: Schloctoberfest 2023 #2 (Videodrome)”

  1. […] 545, episode 546, episode 547, episode 548, episode 549, episode 575, episode 596, episode 597, episode 598, and episode 599) is an MFA graduate from the University of Central […]

  2. […] 545, episode 546, episode 547, episode 548, episode 549, episode 575, episode 596, episode 597, episode 598, and episode 599) is an MFA graduate from the University of Central […]

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